The muslim amulets and talismans striking in their diversity. As in other cultures, a large part is closely related to religion. Muslim magic since long been considered to be very powerful: the witches called the spirits and the jinn, a work that is very complicated, dangerous and requires strict adherence to rules. Only strong and experienced magician is capable of such a practice, in effect, the jinn, and Ifrit can be killed by the slightest blunder.

The muslim amulets and talismans — the magic of the East
The people of the east believe in the power of words, they also have a beautiful temperament. There are widespread corruption, the curse, including the generic. Therefore, oriental, people have always tried to protect against this kind of problems. It follows that muslim amulets and talismans are a powerful force. A large part of them has properties of protection, but there are other characters.
Many muslims charms, you can meet not only the arrival in the country hot at rest, but on the shelves of the stores in our country. Some of them, you can do it and yourself. For example, wear symbols or to make a pearl bracelet. Works well as muslim nodular magic, but on this below.
To the east know how to reach his goal of hitting the man's rival, to maintain the youth and winning a fortune. If you look closely at the women, it can be noted that they are happy, rich, and always look good. Their secret taboo wolves, which protects them from harm and allows you to reach any goal. It is orally transmitted, in a whisper, and without witnesses, and that the closest people. First of all cared of the magic only the women, but later, appear the men and practice.
Magic is prohibited by the Koran, and even in our time, the Tribunal of the Faith can punish them for activities such as for a serious offence. Earlier for witchcraft is reliant on the death penalty, however, as in most countries, during the middle ages. And punished is not only a sorcerer, but those who spoke to him. Magic the knowledge accumulated in secret and passed with caution.
The modification of the spell, the reduction and the extension of life has always been considered a very dangerous occupation is not only because of the laws that live there. Another reason is a force, that one cannot give to a person who has no confidence. Today, a magical guardian, you can see every oriental people, as in his house. In this case, are not always the people say they believe in witchcraft and turn to him. But, despite this, the charms have become an integral part of life in a muslim country. Like many years back, the time in these countries runs more slowly, and the log from there, permeated by religion and magic.
Muslim amulets and talismans — the crescent

Like most of the muslim characters, and protective of, the crescent is closely related to religion. It is considered to be one of the most common of the charms of the East. The mascot looks like a crescent moon with a star on the bottom of its horn of africa.
The crescent — one of the main symbols of islam. Among the followers of this religion, it has the same value, such as the crucifixion, to orthodox man. But we know that this symbol appeared much earlier than the first ideas relating to islam. Professing other religions, the mascot rarely wear.
The crescent is used exclusively for protection purposes. It is believed that it protects property from the whammy, porch and hexes. Similar to a talisman takes you any difficulty magical character.
Muslim, the guardian Hamsa
This charm is known worldwide, it is present not only in the muslim culture. It is of great importance in judaism. The guardian Hamsa has many names, are the Hand of Fatima, Hand of Miriam, the Hand of God. In Spain, this amulet has been so widespread that in the 16th century, he had to prohibit, by law.
On our site you can find a separate article on the talisman, the Hand of Fatima, from which to learn its history and the legends associated with them, and the attitude in other countries. This talisman is popular in our country, this pendant, the suspension for a house or a stroller with his image no surprise.
Hamsa protects not only against the corruption and the evil eye. In the east believe that this talisman will extend the life of the door according to her, provides the health and material well-being. The guardian Hamsa can become not only personal, but also protect the house, bringing well-being and protect the whole family from the envy and the damage.
The amulet of early Islam

The amulet of early Islam can be called one of the youngest of the talismans of the East. It appeared relatively recently, in spite of its name, which is in contradiction with this fact. If talking about most of the exact time of the appearance of the amulet of early Islam, it is believed that it happened in the first years after the birth of this religion.
It is believed that the creator of this symbol was Muhammad. It looks like a flat round piece with ornament " writing. The wear-preferably to those who are chosen, by his faith, islam, as the main goal of character — make that your prayer was answered by Allah.
The amulet of early Islam is able to relieve the pain and cure the disease. Has and protective properties, and save them from black magic, envy and accidents, as well as serious diseases.
The eye of Fatima in the eye
The eyes of Fatima, you can see it on the shelves of the markets in warm countries. This talisman is a success, not only among the superstitious inhabitants and tourists. In our country, also hard to find a person who doesn't know the meaning of bright beads in the shape of an eye. The guardian has a rich history and a very large value, on which you can learn an article on our web site.
A lot of not too believe in the force of the Eyes of Fatima, and in vain. It has powerful protective properties, and can also be an excellent and elegant decoration. Diverting the attention on himself, the Eye of Fatima protects its wearer against the evil eye, damage and envy.
But there was one condition. The tutor must be done in glass. In addition, it can be worn under clothing. The eye of Fatima in fulfilling its duties only then, when it is in front of the foreigners.
The suras and verses of the Qur'an
There are a lot of recommendations on how to correctly apply the suras, the verses and invocations against the evil eye and to protect themselves from evil. You can be a muslim mascot, which is not contrary to the laws of the Qur'an and ensures the protection from witchcraft and envy. But wear it, you can only to those who profess islam. For all the others, this object can be dangerous, and is aimed at those who are connected to a muslim egregor. At least, it will not work in the adherent of another religion, and those who do not comply with the muslim law.
The importance for the muslim 225 verse 2 of the sura of the Qur'an, which is called ayatul kursi. It is his need to write on a small sheet of paper and fold it three times to get a triangle. Received the paper triangle should wrap it in aluminum foil, and then in the dark matter or of the skin.
Wear this amulet on the body. Can be placed on the lace and wear it around the neck, pocket as well suited. But these objects should not be below the waistband of the man, who is muslim mascot. He bears in himself the stronger protective properties.

Zulficar — powerful oriental amulet
Zulficar is a talisman, created the Maghreb tradition. It is named by the name of The angel Zulfikar, strong and the boss of the warriors. The amulet is transierunt of the sword, on the blade that writing surah for protection. It is very popular among the oriental business men.
Zulficar can be both personal and mascot of the house. In the second case, it will protect your house of the cunning, the false-friends and parents, the flight and the machinations of enemies. The basic property of this amulet is a protection.
As part of the staff of the amulet Zulficar will be a good remedy against the evil eye, damage and envy. It eliminates the negative spell of influence to the owner. In addition, Zulficar grants success in business.
How to make a muslim, the guardian of her hands
To the east of the very popular iron magic. To know the methodology, using nets, you can enjoy the protection, find love, and achieve other objectives. Do not underestimate this kind of things, with the help of this knowledge, a few hundred years the eastern woman could change his fate.
If you think that you can put a spell, or for other reasons, you need powerful protection against the malware of magic, you can make a filament of the amulet. It protects against witchcraft and the forces of evil, and carry this amulet is based on the left ankle.
Take the black and white wire, and attach them together 114 knots twisting of the wire. 114 — this is the number of Sunn in the Qur'an. When beads need to talk about surah Barak, during a tie and each node.
To make love amulet, need the green and red wire. Too tied on 114 nodes. The amulet attracts love, but on the condition that it is worn under the clothes, away from prying eyes.
For good luck, bind the same number of nodes blue, three-wire, two white, and then hiding in the territory of the house. The success can be woven in the same way the three green and one yellow wire.
Enabling muslim mascot
You can turn is not just a particular character. You can make an amulet from any gold of the decoration that you already have. Should also be a ring of carnelian, jasper, or agate — the protection of the magical stones muslims. It is important, for the decoration had no damage.
So, first of all to read of the protection of the Sunnah:
Audhu bi kalimati-Llahi-t-tammati allati The yogawiz-Hanna, Barron is GOING to The Tadiran min Shar-ri mA Halaka, VA, VA, baraa Sara, WILL min Harrius easy my mn AC-Samaya VA min Henricus jarugu mA Fi-ha, WA min Shar-ri mA Sara Fi-l-arda expellentes WA mA min Henricus yakhruju min-ha, min is GOING to Henricus fitini-l-Laily WA-n-Nahari, WA min Kulli Henricus tarikan illa tarikan iatrou bi-hairin, ya Rahman.
Now, you need to sit down on the knees, facing the East. Take control of your future guardian and lift it up and it was at the top of your head. After that, say three times:

Bismil-laahi, rrahmani rrahim. Al-hamdu Lil-laahi rabbil-aalameen. Ar-rahmaani rahiim. Maaliki yawmid-din. IAACA nabudu WILL IAACA nostain. India mustaqeem-us. Siraatul-latina anamta alayhim, ghairil-maghdubi alayhim WA Ladi-toolleen.
Now, go to the mosque, yet no one speaks of the road. The right hand, you need to put on the heart, and the left on the wall of the mosque. Mentally encourage the right spirit, and ask him who gave the amulet of good properties. Don't choose properties which can be in contradiction with the selected symbol amulet. Don't forget to thank the spirit for help, take the talisman and go. Look back and talk until you get back to the house, you can't.
In general, islam places a great deal of excellent means of protection against witchcraft each day, however, they can only be used Orthodoxae muslims.